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Here’s the post I said I’d get written on the ever-changing, always-interesting Tiger Woods escapade. A couple weeks ago it was a situation or even a disturbing event, but at this point it’s a full-blown media-frenzy extravaganza.

Not that I expected any different, at least with the whole club of women who have now come out and said they had a relationship with Mr. Woods adding such a wholesome piece to the story. I tend not to believe most of it because when a person of Tiger’s stature and wealth starts to bleed, the sharks come out. I’d be willing to bet half of those women are liars looking for money. But at this point it doesn’t seem to matter. The snow ball has way too much steam to stop now and the allegations of PED use won’t help. I don’t know what to think about that development yet, only time will tell.

Things are different from when I wrote my initial post on the situation. Tiger’s image has most certainly been hurt, probably more than I thought it would at first. That’s mostly due to the fact that news of this whole thing has been completely non-stop for two weeks. There hasn’t been any time for people to forget about it because every day seems to bring up some new revelation.

But I still don’t think it’s damaged beyond repair. Need proof? The Associated Press voted Tiger Woods the athlete of the decade today, and it wasn’t even close. Need more proof? More than half of the votes he received were cast after his Nov. 27 car crash.

And perhaps the voters for the award separated Woods’ “accomplishments” off the course with his accomplishments on it, but I would have to think that would be very hard to do with the incident still being so fresh. What I tend to believe is that those writers, at the end of the day, just don’t care.

Now Tiger is going to lose plenty in this whole thing, and he probably should. But I still believe that in the long run this will be forgotten by the media, the majority of the fans and the general public that just doesn’t care. Of course there will be a certain group that will always hate Tiger from now on, but I’d be willing to bet they will be in the minority.

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