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Miss Universe Canada 2010 Contestant - Kristina Lavallee's Photo & Profile/Biodata

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Kristina Lavallee


Kristina is a Canadian through and through. She was born and raised in Canada and her family is of aboriginal descent. She grew up in Weyburn, Saskatchewan, where many of her family and friends still reside. She now lives in Calgary with her family where she is taking classes through Mount Royal University.

Kristina’s interests include traveling, watching movies, and spending time with her family and close friends. She loves to make people laugh when they are down, and has found that laughter can be the best cure for anything. Her friends would describe her as a strong and passionate young woman who is concerned with the well being of those around her.

Some of her biggest accomplishments include being the fourth person in her mom’s family to graduate high school. She also sponsors two children through the Plan Canada Foundation, which has been one of the most rewarding experiences of her life. Kristina is a strong believer in donating blood with the Canadian Blood Services as often as she can. She is a supporter of all types of recycling; whether it is plastic, paper, glass, clothes, or books.

If Kristina is crowned Miss Universe Canada 2010 she would like to continue supporting Plan Canada and the Canadian Blood Services. She would love to become a spokesperson for the “Because I Am A Girl” section of Plan Canada and help raise inspiration for young girls all around the world! Also working closely with Miss Universe Canada’s national platform of AIDS/HIV would be extremely rewarding to this young lady, and hopes to do so in the future.


Are you currently a student?
If yes, where? I currently take on-line classes through Mount Royal University.
Area of study:
Event Management

Are you currently employed? Seasonal Work (March- October)
If yes, what is your occupation?
I work seasonally at the Highwood Golf and Country Club. The golf season runs from March- October.

Have you completed secondary school? Yes
If yes, where?
I attended high school at Notre Dame Collegiate High School in High River.

Have you completed university/college? No
If yes, where?

Have you completed any technical/professional school? No
If yes, where?
What subject?

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc).
Member of the Minot State Dance Team 2008-2009
Character member of many skits throughout high school 2005-2007
Dance Training (jazz only) 2000-2005

In what sports, if any, have you participated and how long have you participated in each sport?
Minot State Dance Team 2008-2009
Notre Dame Collegiate Rugby Team 2006-2007
Cheerleading 2002-2003
Curling 2000- present

Please list any schools and universities (public/private/graduate/trade or technical) you have or are attending, as well as the area of study, graduation date and any degree or certification you received.
Mount Royal University- (2009-present) Currently taking open studies in the “Event Management” division.
Minot State University- (2008-2009) Studied as a first year psychology major.
Notre Dame Collegiate High School- (2004-2007) Diploma received.

What charity/charities have you supported with your time and/or resources over past two years?
The Canadian Blood Services- I donate blood on a routine basis; every 56 days or when a mobile clinic is in Okotoks.
Plan Canada- I sponsor two children through Plan Canada. A boy from Mozambique and a girl from Paraguay.

What would be your "dream job" in life?
Recently I have determined that my “dream job” in life would be to host a show such as Live with Kelly and Regis. I think it would always be fun and exciting and as Kelly Ripa has proved you CAN have a successful home life and flourishing career. Both of which are equally important to me as a young woman.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life? Why?
The very first person I can remember who spoke of my potential (outside my family) was my second grade teacher, Mrs. Van Betuw. This was the first person who made me realize that I had the capability to be whatever I wanted. Maybe even Miss Universe Canada. My family never had much money for things like fancy clothes or new toys, but Mrs. Van Betuw always made me feel as special on the outside as I did on the inside. I think I still reflect this today… as long as I stay beautiful and positive on the inside I will always be special on the outside.

What is the proudest personal accomplishment (other than being in this or any other beauty pageant competition)
My proudest personal accomplishment was graduating high school. Although this is quite common today; this fact is not so in my mom’s family. After my mom, aunt, and eldest cousin I am only the fourth person to graduate with a high school diploma. Every day I see my diploma I realize how significant it really is, it is something nobody can ever take away from me. This is why I stress to the youth in my personal life just how imperative education is to their lives.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
I love to plan special events… especially weddings! I am currently working on a certificate in event management. I hope to one day have my own show, somewhat like the “Martha Stewart Show” but a heavy influence on weddings. I love showing people tricks I have learned and even more than that I love saving people money. Hopefully with my great attitude and gaining education I can succeed in my endeavour.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was raised in a small town in Saskatchewan, called Weyburn. It was a great place to grow up and I had a ton of friends and family in the area. My mom, Wanda, was a single mother to my sister Stephanie and I until 1997 when she met my step dad Brendan. Previous to this point we had very little money but we were like the three musketeers and we made it through all the hard times together. After my parents were married we moved into a house of our own and this is where I spent the majority of my childhood. My best friends were my cousins and my friends Leah and Kimberley. I have been through happy and sad times with all of them. My friends and family are what matter most in my life… and I carry that same belief today.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
In high school I worked at A&W right up until graduation, it wasn’t unusual in anyway but I did meet some amazing people during my time in the A&W family.

Also one summer I helped out a construction crew with installing insulation which was only unusual because I am such a girly girl, but I think they enjoyed my wit and positive attitude.

List any volunteering you have done.
I regularly organize clothing and food drives among my co-workers to help raise needed items for the Mustard Seed in Calgary. The Mustard Seed not only serves as a food and shelter source for the unfortunate but also a rehabilitation centre for those who are in need of help beyond their reach. I also make regular donations for the local Salvation Army’s in High River and Okotoks.

I am also a huge activist in recycling- in my house we recycle everything. It took me a while to get my family on board but they are; now I am trying to get my work place to do the same. In Okotoks we have an amazing recycling depot which accommodates; paper, plastic, metal, glass, and batteries. This summer my step dad and I also plan to install solar panels on our garage. I like to think I’m a volunteer for the earth.

Where is the most interesting place you have been?
MOROCCO was by far the most interesting place I have ever been. It was like stepping into a history book. So much of their culture and history has been preserved. The tradition that is carried in the country is remarkable and everything down to our 5 course meal was like out of a fairy tale. I even capped off my excursion with a camel ride.

What makes you unique and different from the other contestants?
Something that makes me different from many of the other contestants is that I am part of this pageant because I feel as though everything in my life so far has led me here. I am not involved to become rich or famous. I am here because I believe that somewhere in Canada there is a little girl like me who dreams of becoming Miss Universe Canada. I hope that if I win I could help make this dream come true with some inspirational words. As an aboriginal descendant I feel as though a lot of young aboriginal woman think that they would never have an opportunity such as this. I want to let them know that they do, and I am proof!

What is your philosophy of/in life?
A quote by Audrey Hepburn has always inspired my philosophy in life. She said “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” This quote helps me realize everyday that I need to look for the inner good in people, treat everyone as I would want to be treated, and always remember that I have many people in life who do and always will love me unconditionally.

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?
In 10 years I hope to be in a successful career that I absolutely love. I hope to be married to the man of my dreams and have a growing family of our own. I ultimately hope that my family and friends remain safe, happy, and healthy during this time and for many years to come.

Is there anything you would like to tell us about yourself? Something unique that has happened to you? Some interesting thing about you?
The last thing I would like to say is that I feel like I would be a great candidate for Miss Universe Canada. I have the drive and ambition I believe that this title needs to succeed. I feel as though I could represent Canadians in the Miss Universe pageant with poise, beauty, and most of all heart. I already hold a great honour to be chosen as a delegate for Alberta and I hope to be working with the Miss Universe Canada Organization for many more years to come.

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
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