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Miss Universe Canada 2010 Contestant - Martine Marquis' Photo & Profile/Biodata

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Martine Marquis


Martine Marquis was born in the City of Gatineau, province of Québec next to our National Capital. She is the third sibling of two older brothers and one younger brother. Martine grew up in a loving environment and feels that a happy family is the basis to a healthy society. Her native language is French and having an English background she can communicate in both official languages.

Martine is genuinely generous in giving her time to others; she is a sincere, strong and loyal person who likes to create lasting friendship relationships. She graduated from high school in the year 2008, and then attended a college named ‘Cégep de l’Outaouais’ in the Business Administration Program. Presently, Martine is attending the college ‘La Cité Collégiale’ in Ottawa, where she is enrolled in the aesthetician program and will be graduating this year 2010. She is also interested in pursuing further studies as a medical aesthetician and with her knowledge establishes her own institute.

At a young age, Martine took figure skating to the intermediate level where she participated in several competitions and won a gold and silver metal. In her early teens, she took singing lessons at a music school ‘Adagio’ where she discovered her love for singing popular songs.

In the year 2009 she went for an audition in modeling and was chosen to join the ‘Barbizon Agency’ and since then Martine dreams of becoming a top model and hopes with this career to generate enough income so that she can make a difference in needy children lives. She is determine to succeed and works hard every day aiming towards her goals. To win the title Miss Universe Canada 2010 would help to be closer to her dreams and will be an honor.


Are you currently a student?
If yes, where?
Area of study:
Yes, I am currently a student. I study at ‘La Cité Collégiale’ in aesthetic in the National Capital of Canada.

Are you currently employed?
If yes, what is your occupation? :
I presently work has a sales representative in a popular shoes store named ‘Yellow’.

Have you completed secondary school?
If yes, where?:
Yes, I have completed high school at the ‘Polyvalent le Carrefour’ in Gatineau.

Have you completed university/college?
If yes, where? :
No, I have not yet completed College. I am presently enrolled at the Cité Collégiale.

Have you completed any technical/professional school?
If yes, where?
What subject? :
No, I have not completed any technical/ professional training school.

Languages spoken fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language):
My native Language is French, I can speak, write and read intermediate English.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc). :
I attended a music school named Adagio for two years. My music lessons have taught me to develop and enhanced my voice. I have sang at
public concerts organised by the school.

In what sports, if any, have you participated and how long have you participated in each sport? :
In my childhood from age 5 to 14 years old I took figure skating lessons to intermediate level and participated in several figure skating
competitions. I won a silver and gold metal at the age of 11 and 13 year old.

Please list any schools and universities (public/private/graduate/trade or technical) you have or are attending, as well as the area of study, graduation date and any degree or certification you received. :
In the year of 2008, I completed, my high school diploma. The next year I went
to college ‘Cégep de l’Outaouais’ and signed up in a Business Administration course. The following year I applied at ( La Cité Collégiale) and was accepted in the aesthetic program which I will be completing this year. I also was selected by Barbizon Agency after an audition for the model training courses.

What charity/charities have you supported with your time and/or resources over past two years? :
In the past years, I have supported World Vision with my Family
as well as Ema Québec as a blood donor. Through my parish
I help provide a Christmas diner for a poor family in my community.
What would be your "dream job" in life? :
My dream job would be to be a top model, so that with my fortune I could help people in need through charitable organisations such as World Vision, my community and any other good deeds.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life? Why? :
The person who I believe had influenced my life and is special to me is Jerome Cerezo. Jerome helped to build my social skills. Today I am more confident and believe in myself. I have gain the confidence I need to deal with differences in opinions, to express myself clearly and to make accomplishments. This allowed me to understand lessons about life that have given me insight and belief that I can accomplish anything I am willing to undertake and that life is really a school of learning.

What is the proudest personal accomplishment (other than being in this or any other beauty pageant competition):
My most sincere accomplishment is in doing good deeds, acting with integrity respect for myself and others and to do my best to succeed in anything I undertake. I put into action my good works when I give to the needy to lessen their burden from poverty. When I am compassionate towards others and treat those who need help with kindness and sincerity.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal? :
My present ambition is to succeed my aesthetics course. The knowledge I will gain from these courses will allow me to give the care my skin needs, and wanting to be top model requires beautiful and healthy skin. Later I will move from this model career to opening a aesthetic institute where I will enhance the well being and beauty of others. A percentage of my money earned from both careers will be for the needy in the world. To succeed my goal I believe in myself, in my abilities to make my dreams come through.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like. :
Born in the City of Gatineau in the province of Quebec. I grew up in a quiet
neighbourhood named Pointe-Gatineau with my three brothers and my parents. I had a very happy childhood with my mom who was a stay home mom and my dad worked as a Postal Code Specialist for Canada Post. I grew up with everything I needed, went to my neighbourhood school named ‘Le Nouveau Monde’ for kinder garten and primary, and from there I went to high school ‘Polyvalente le Carrefour’ in Gatineau. School was hard work for me and my mom was there for the support and help I needed. I received a good education at home.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had. :
When I was fourteen I taught figure skating. It was something I liked and training younger children took a lot of patience. I earned very little income, it was much more volunteering my time than a job, but even-though I enjoyed teaching figure skating.

List any volunteering you have done. :
Besides, giving figure skating lessons to young children, I volunteered one day for the elderly in an old aged home called ‘CHSLD de Buckingham’. I helped to introduce a full day program of activities and participated with the elderly.

Where is the most interesting place you have been? :
I visited several places in Canada, the most interesting place that impressed me was in Nova Scotia, particularly known by the French has ‘La Forteresse de Louisbourg’. The history about this place created a distinctive memorable mark and I learned a whole lot about the lives of the men and women at that time and about Canada’s history.

What makes you unique and different from the other contestants? :
What makes me unique and different from the other contestants is my outlook on life, the way I perceive myself and others. My qualities are sincerety and honesty, I believe that what gives a sense of completeness is love. Being a better person can bring the best in others. Everyone has something unique about themselves, a unique quality or state of being. I am sensitive to the feelings of others and can recognize sincerity in another person.

Everybody has strengths within that can be nurtured and beneficial for themselves and others. I believe that with love, anything is possible; love is confidence, respect and honesty. When we integrate these qualities into our lives and live accordingly, life becomes much easier. We begin to see the differences in others with a more positive and understanding attitude. This is what makes me unique and different from other candidates, differences is what makes this world so beautiful.

What is your philosophy of/in life?
My philosophy in life is to learn from the past experiences, this is often the key to moving ahead in life, has we learn from our mistakes, there can be growth and maturity bringing out our full potential in self-realization and accomplishment.

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?
My dream to come through is to become a top model and open my own aesthetic institute. Being successful I will give generously to support charitable organization such as World Vision. I believe in their mission in helping needy children and their community to become self-reliant through programs like sponsorship.

Is there anything you would like to tell us about yourself? Something unique that has happened to you? Some interesting thing about you?
I am a good person, I strive to be my best and learn from my mistakes. Life teaches many different lessons and as I move ahead, I can look back and move on, one day at a time, towards my happiness. I love life and cherish the joyful moments it has to offer. Happiness is an inner state of being.

I learned that what really matters is to believe in me, what others believe about me is their opinion. Life often gives challenges and opportunities for inner growth and maturity. When I was 13 years old school kids often put peer pressure on me, they made me uncomfortable and feel out of place. This is why
I learned to deal with conflict, and to find my happiness in my social life.

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
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